Create your website in minutes — no technical skill required
Build Your Website!
Click below to select your preferred payment method and begin your 30-day free trial. At the end of the trial period, you will be billed for an annual or monthly subscription, depending on your selection. Click your choice below:
Author Home Page — Your Instant Website Solution!
Now you can have a high-quality website where readers can go to learn about you and your books. And you can build it quickly, easily, and affordably!
Create Your Website in 3 Simple Steps
If you can click a mouse and type on a keyboard, you have all the technical skills needed to build your own great-looking website with Author Home Page.
Available ONLY from Author Home Page!
FREE 30-Day Trial
Sign up for the free trial and see for yourself how easy it is to build a great-looking website in 2 hours or less. Experiment with the wealth of color schemes and images provided to make it uniquely your own.
The creator of Author Home Page hosts ongoing working sessions where trial subscribers can meet other AHP users, ask questions, and learn helpful tips and techniques. Watch for announcements of the next session – your chance to become part of our growing AHP community.
How Author Home Page (AHP) Can Help You
- Authors need a great website to showcase their work — AHP was specially designed to help authors build a great-looking website quickly and easily
- To look and perform well, websites need to be professionally designed, coded, and maintained — AHP offers you full technical support
- Other website solutions require design and/or coding skills — No technical skill is required with AHP
- Custom-built websites are expensive, time-consuming, and complex — With AHP, you can build your website in 2 hours or less at an affordable price
Author Home Page is different, special, and unique. Here’s why:
- Design and programming are built into the platform — no plugins required
- You don’t need to be a designer or programmer to use AHP successfully
- AHP is mobile-first, mobile-optimized, with proprietary code and AI technology for mobile images
- Every website has its own web server that AHP will host, maintain, back up, and update for high-level security and performance
Special Features
- Choice of monthly or annual subscription plan
- Frequent free online clinics that cover advanced tips and techniques to optimize your website
- Integration with Mailchimp for email messaging
- Integration with PayPal for e-commerce
- More enhancements to come!
Here's what one Author Home Page user had to say...
— Jim Eads
STEP 1: Sign Up
Complete the quick and easy Author Home Page registration

STEP 2: Add your content
Include your book information, cover art, and author photo and bio

STEP 3: Personalize your website
Select images, colors, and styles.